Access, Lift & Handlers magazine features two Superior Scaffold jobs
ALH Magazine featured two of Superior Scaffold‘s recent jobs. The first was our work with Metropolitan Opera House – or Met. It was quite a large project culminating in a work deck that was approximately 75 feet high. Click here or on either picture to read the entire article or here to see our original blogpost.
And the second article features our work at The Residences at Mid-Town Park at 9th & Orange, Wilmington, DE. We had our new TP-2500 transport platform and several mast climbers there giving crews all access to this new building construction.
Click on the image above to read the entire article or you can see our original blogpost about it here.
We are absolutely thrilled and thankful to be featured in this issue of ALH Magazine.
If you need scaffolding, scaffold, transport platforms, mast climbers or access call Superior Scaffold today at (215) 743-2200 or visit www.superiorscaffold.com for more information.
And today’s musical selection is something I heard the other day but it fits… Enjoy.
If the link gets stripped go here: https://youtu.be/Qg6BwvDcANg