Breathing new life into 4601 Market St. – Negative Air Enclosures
A more appropriate title would be: Sucking Old Life Out of 4601 Market.
Say what?
The former Provident Mutual Life Insurance campus is going to be turned into a new headquarters for the Philadelphia Police Department, Philadelphia Health Department, and City Morgue.
As part of the redevelopment, Superior Scaffold is providing scaffolding support for the negative air enclosures.
Yep, you heard correctly. Negative air enclosure – it essentially creates negative air pressure in the building while crews are doing asbestos abatement work. The contaminated air in the building gets sucked out through these large chutes that Superior Scaffold erected (then skinned or wrapped) and down through giant filters at the bottom.
The contaminated or bad air is removed from the building as crews work. Superior erected a system scaffolding out of the side of the building, down to the ground, that was then skinned to create giant air ducts or chutes.
This was a creative way to get large sections of air out of the building through two large tunnel like structures.
Bad air out. Good air in. Bam.
Call Tony P at Superior Scaffold today at 215 743-2200 or visit www.superiorscaffold.com for solutions to your next project.
More on 4601 Market Street.