
SA Magazine 2 page, superior scaffold, mast climber, philadelphia, pa, nj, de

SA Magazine features giant Superior Scaffold mast climber!

It's always great to see your work in a prestigious industry magazine but it's even better when it's on the cover!  Thanks to everyone at SA Magazine for their hard work and dedication to the industry and for putting Superior Scaffold out front. The article features a job in Rittenhouse Square that had a very particular set of circumstances and challenges that had to be overcome.  Estimator, Tony P, came up with a great solution using our new, giant MC7000 mast climbers.  Click on any of the images to get the details. Thanks to everyone involved with this job from the crew...

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superior scaffold, scaffolding, gbca, Swarthmore College, construction today magazine

Construction Today Magazine features Superior Scaffold at Swarthmore College

The GBCA featured articles about how companies are adapting to the new COVID-19 world. Inside the magazine Superior Scaffold detailed how they worked with GC - Skanska, and all of the subs to accommodate the new and ever changing COVID-19 regulations. Click on either image to be taken to a large, readable, special pdf.  Thanks again to the GBCA and Construction Today Magazine for featuring Superior Scaffold and fellow member companies. And with all of the political craziness at full force this week I thought this song most appropriate.  Enjoy. https://youtu.be/D7xOZVBAWtw   #scaffold #scaffolding #rental #rent #superiorscaffold #restoration #inspection #construction #facade #masonry #canopy #protection #howto #erection...

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shoring, superior scaffold, scaffolding, scaffold rental, pa, Philadelphia, philly, garage

Tommy can you hear me? Shoring parking garage at ACME Markets

How do you help a customer that needs to support the top deck of a parking garage while they repair a cut tension cable and repave? You do what super Superior Scaffold estimator Tommy (can you hear me) Creighton did and that’s erect three system scaffold shoring towers to support the structure. Holy moly, you try saying that sentence three times really fast. The real challenge of this job was making sure that the areas that needed support were shored up so the folks at Structural Maintenance Systems could do their work. Thanks to Alternate Design Solutions for their calculations to make...

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superior scaffold, scaffolding, scaffold, tshirts, swag, saia, committee week, philadelphia, tx, pa, nj

Pretty in Pink – SAIA Committee week begins! Galveston, TX 2/19-22

It's here!  And these ladies decked in Superior Scaffold pink make it all happen. (Thanks for sending us the pic) Committee week is where the giants in the scaffold and access industry meet to work on current projects, discuss issues, evaluate goals and objectives and prepare for the upcoming year.   Thank you SAIA team.  Git 'er done.  You always do! Feeling musical today.  Several genres represented so take your pick.  But since they look fantastic this first cut is dedicated to you! https://youtu.be/CmXWkMlKFkI https://youtu.be/RuWmsg-ihLg https://youtu.be/qBLboy3aXA0 Have a great week!       #scaffolding #scaffold #rental #rent #superiorscaffold #restoration #inspection #contstruction #facade #masonry #canopy #protection #howto #erection #install #emergencyservices #masonry #suspendedscaffold #mastclimber #workplatform ...

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scaffolding, scaffold, rental, rent, rents, scaffolding rentals, construction, ladders, equipment rental, swings, swing staging, stages, suspended, shoring, mast climber, work platforms, hoist, hoists, subcontractor, GC, scaffolding Philadelphia, scaffold PA, phila, overhead protection, canopy, sidewalk, shed, building materials, NJ, DE, MD, NY, , renting, leasing, inspection, general contractor, masonry, 215 743-2200, superior scaffold, electrical, HVAC, USA, national, mast climber, safety, contractor, best, top, top 10, sub contractor, electrical, electric, trash chute, debris, chutes

17th & Locust Overhead protection and Suspended Scaffold

Here is a very tall canopy that Superior Scaffold provided for the restoration project at 17th & Locust on the back side of the Radisson Blu Plaza Warwick Hotel.  Now that’s a mouthful… Whew…And not only did we erect the overhead protection but we also provided Joseph Dugan the swing stages necessary to complete the total restoration of the exterior.I love it when we can show just a few shots of our crew assembling the job so you can see just want goes into a system canopy like this one.I will get shots of the canopy traveling all the way...

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scaffolding, scaffold, rental, rent, rents, scaffolding rentals, construction, ladders, equipment rental, swings, swing staging, stages, suspended, shoring, mast climber, work platforms, scaffolding Philadelphia, scaffold PA, phila, overhead protection, canopy, sidewalk, shed, building materials, NJ, DE, MD, NY, scafolding, scaffling, renting, leasing, inspection, general contractor, masonry, 215 743-2200, superior scaffold, electrical, HVAC, gc, USA, national, mast climber, safety, contractor, best, top, top 10

Superior Scaffold provides mast climber for AQ Rittenhouse construction

The $33 million project is a redevelopment of the building at 20th and Chestnut that used to house the YWCA and will now be a 12 story, 110-unit first class luxury mixed-use multi-family apartment building with street level retail/restaurant and lower level full floor institutional tenant.And since this is in the heart of Center City and on a main thoroughfare – Superior Scaffold crews had to wait until the wee hours of the night to deliver and unload the equipment when there was diminished auto and pedestrian traffic. But I digress.The general contractor hired Superior Scaffold to provide a mast...

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scaffolding, scaffold, rental, rent, rents, scaffolding rentals, construction, ladders, equipment rental, swings, swing staging, stages, suspended, shoring, mast climber, work platforms, scaffolding Philadelphia, scaffold PA, phila, overhead protection, canopy, sidewalk, shed, building materials, NJ, DE, MD, NY, scafolding, scaffling, renting, leasing, inspection, general contractor, masonry, 215 743-2200, superior scaffold, electrical, HVAC, gc, USA, national, mast climber, safety, contractor, best, top, top 10

Sparks fly at Bahama Breeze

This particular location in West Windsor, NJ used to be a large Barnes and Noble store – and now it’s being converted into a new Bahama Breeze. The 26-year-old MarketFair shopping center is in the middle of design changes and a rebirth that promises new stores and lots of food. Superior Scaffold provided the scaffolding and shoring to support the giant steel girders overhead. You can see the enormous beams that had to be supported while crews cut them down. They left the ridge beam but the lower 4 had to go (for a new addition). But getting to those girders wasn’t...

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Scaffold, scaffolding, rental, rent, rents, scaffolding rentals, construction, ladders, equipment rental, swings, swing staging, stages, suspended, shoring, mast climber, work platforms, scaffolding Philadelphia, scaffold PA, phila, overhead protection, canopy, sidewalk, shed, building materials, NJ, DE, MD, NY, scafolding, scaffling, renting, leasing, inspection, general contractor, masonry, 215 743-2200, superior scaffold, electrical, HVAC, gc, USA, national, mast climber, safety

Shoring Montgomery Mall (North Wales, PA) for an escalator drop

Not only was Superior Scaffold called in to provide shoring while new support columns were added - but then we had to shore up the bar joists and steel beams for 150 feet so crews could roll a 10,000 pound escalator into place on the floor above.  Pretty darn cool!  You can see to the left in this photo where crews cut a hole in the flooring for the new escalator. They were demoing a building and removing an old staircase.  That staircase was being replaced with that escalator. This job was done in phases. First step was adding new support columns so...

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