Je suis tombé amoureux de Montréal – Or Just Send Cash! SAIA Annual Convention & Exposition
Or as the French say, coup de foudre, roughly translated to thunderbolt or it unexpectedly and suddenly seduced you – or me in this case. I fell in love with this city. There was something about it that I’m sure the locals can verbalize better than I.
Montreal has an old world feel mixed with a modern charm and French accents. Who could want more? Did I mention those accents? Is it just me or were they out of this world? (just listen to the music cuts at the end to see what I mean).
Okay, maybe I’m biased about this particular convention because of this woman (on the right).
She made me laugh harder than I have in years at the Bee Access party and then the reception later. Yes, a shout out to Miss Kelly Coleman from the SAIA and Scaffold & Access Magazine. Sorry if I’ve just let the cat out to the bag – but she’s a riot! She pretends to be very quiet and shy but she needs her own comedy special. 😉 And we also need to give a shout out to her counterpart on the left, Miss Allison White, for organizing the entire event and making sure it ran flawlessly from beginning to end. Thank you!
Everyone at the SAIA should be proud. They really put on a great convention this and every year from the presentations.
To the seminars – you name it.
So please know how much time and effort they put in and how hard they work. No don’t send them flowers and accolades just send lots of money. They told me that’s what they wanted this year instead of thank yous. Just lots of cold hard cash.
In fact, now that you mention it. If there is anything you think that I may have done over the last year that is noteworthy, don’t send me emails saying, “nice article” or “I enjoy reading your stuff”, or “your work is truly amazing and there is no one else in the universe that can do what you do!” 😉 Just send cash!
We were not there to cruise around the city taking in the sites and sounds but to learn new things.
See new technology and old friends. Talk scaffolding, access, motors, lifts, platforms, suspended scaffold, equipment and much more.
And to watch our very own safety expert, Shawn MacDonald wow them with his presentation. Lots to cover here so let’s get started.
Who knew that you could get $18 beers at the hotel bar? What? No kidding. The bar tabs were astronomical. Is that the first negative on this trip? Wow. But revenons à nos moutons. Why would I say, “let us return to our sheep”? Because it really means, let us return to the matter at hand – not the literal translation.
Well, I knew Shawn was good… but I was pretty blown away by his blatant use of foreshadowing an object to drive home his comedy ending during his presentation. He really did a great job and everyone in the room realized that there was a rising star coming to join Dave Glabe on his proverbial perch as the safety presenter / know it all. Now we have two seriously entertaining presentations to look forward to.
Shawn is now being published in industry magazines, flying across the country giving presentations, training OSHA guys… I’m afraid if this gets any more out of hand Eddie and the boys are going to have to pull out the old photos and pop that massive head of his. Boys?
And while we were there our fearless leader and chief picked himself up a new piece of hardware: The SAIA EF Bronze Benefactor Award! And we all know that he’s the kind of guy that lives for new shiny objects to place all over the office so he can walk in and remind us all just how much smarter, better looking, and better smelling he is than all of us. It’s just something we all have to put up with.
In all seriousness, he almost didn’t want to go up to receive it. Such a modest, shy, quiet guy… Oh boy. (maybe when he was 3) I’m going to pay for this.
Cherchez la femme. Loosely translated it means that if a man is seen acting out of character, then a woman will likely be the cause of it. Well, shall we talk about the Bee Access party and the SAIA closing Gala?
When in Montreal why not have performers from Cirque du Soleil entertain at both.
I will tell you that the band that played at the Bee party was fantastic.
It was a perfect blend of jazz and bluesy French Canadian music that fit the rainy night perfectly.
What can I say about a Bee Access party? The queen of all things kick-ass, Miss Nicole just knocked it out of the park again.
It was in a great location with yummy food.
Awesome people!
Great entertainment.
And of course – her! So hats off to Nicole and Bee for another wonderful evening.
And the SAIA awards ceremony and closing gala was pretty darn awesome too. Performers roamed the dance floor.
Muscled Canadian men spun boxes and did very difficult gymnastic-y type things in their leotards that kind of defied physics of the human body. (This pic fascinates me – there are a lot of men watching – in envy – I guess. LOL.)
And then there were these three mini-performers. Just ask Shawn.
And of course, after all of the excitement, lectures, meetings, checking out new equipment, shaking hands etc. no blog would be complete without touring the city that I fell in love with. If my boss fires me for ripping him a little I’m hoping that the good people at Fraco will take me on and I can move to Montreal and be gainfully employed because lord knows, I can’t bend and move like those fellas in the circus. Okay – maybe once, and then it would be hospitals and green jello the rest of the year.
I’ll let the photos do the talking. Pay particular attention to the magnificent churches (inside and out). Enjoy the pics. We sure enjoyed the city and the convention! You can also click here to see all of the photos.
Jusqu’à ce que nous nous reverrons, Montreal.
And for your listening pleasure, Axelle Red and Rester Femme.
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And here’s another song from Thievery Corporation with La Femme Parallel. Enjoy!
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