Philadelphia Inquirer reports Superior Scaffold to erect Canopy at Amtrak’s 30th St. Station

Philadelphia Inquirer reports Superior Scaffold to erect Canopy at Amtrak’s 30th St. Station

Superior Scaffold will provide 10-foot-high canopies around the gigantic 30th Street Station.  This is no small feat.  (Look at the photos)  In fact, this is Amtrak’s 3rd largest station – it’s huge.

amtrak-philadelphia-30th-street-station-market-street-philadelphia-pa-19104, superior scaffold, scaffold rental, scaffolding rental  30thStreetstation, Amtrak, superior scaffold, scaffold rental, scaffolding rental

The renovation will take several years to complete at a cost of $60 milliion.  The scaffolding will be erected to not only protect pedestrians but allow business as usual during a planned restoration of the limestone facade of the 80-year-old neo-classical building.

Philly Inquirer article Amtrak superior scaffold

The Philadelphia Inquirer ( reported the story Aug 17, 2013 and quoted our very own man about town, Pat McAndrew (of the naked, fighting McAndrew clan) who had this to say, “the canopies – posts with “debris panels” on top – will be installed atop concrete barriers along the Market and Arch Street sidewalks and at the east and west entrances to the station.  The station will remain “totally accessible” to pedestrians during the work.”

Well put Pat.

The $2 million canopy installation will start in a few weeks and is expected to be completed by the end of September.

The 30th Street Station is the main railroad station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and one of the seven stations in SEPTA’s Center City fare zone. It is also a major stop on Amtrak’s Northeast and Keystone Corridors.  It sits at 93 N. 30th St. & Market St. Philadelphia PA 19104 (215) 580-6500.

I, Mtruch [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
I, Mtruch [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Here’s a link to the article.

And some cool information:

Great photos of the 30th Street Station