Facade Ordinance

Building Owners
The Philadelphia Facade Ordinance is Law.

Get Inspected – we can provide swing stages and sidewalk sheds to give your inspector access to your building, quickly (usually within hours) and inexpensively. Superior can file all the necessary paperwork for the City Permit for your canopy.

Remain Open – we can erect a new canopy or add on to your existing sidewalk shed quickly, cost effectively and built entirely to City of Philadelphia codes for sidewalk protection. 

picFacadeHandle Your Repair – our full line of scaffolding gives you all the options regarding cost vs. turn-around time decisions.

  • Swing Staging – our most cost effective approach.
  • Supported Scaffold – the fastest way to get a big job done.
  • Mast Climbing Platforms – great cost effective solution for tall buildings in particular.


City of Philadelphia Facade Ordinance

picFacade1The ordinance affects buildings six stories or more in height, all buildings with any appurtenances in excess of 60 feet, and any building, other than one or two family dwellings, greater than two stories.

The ordinance sets a schedule to which building owners must adhere for the inspection of facades and any subsequent repairs. Following the initial inspection, each building is required to be reinspected every FIVE years and the reports filed with the Department of Licenses and Inspection.

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