Shoring for Willow Grove Sears massive remodel
Superior Scaffold is providing the shoring for this massive 3 story renovation of the Sears store at the Willow Grove Park Mall. This enormous remodel is being done to open up the store, change the current layout and split it into two separate businesses. But in order to do so they must move escalators, elevators and staircases.
And because they have to cut through the concrete slabs on all 3 levels they are also having to beef up and add new structural steel, new footers and support columns to carry the weight. And that’s where Superior comes in. (this is a view up from the 1st floor)
These photos really show how Superior’s hi-load shoring frames support the sections of the floor above and below while the work is being done.
We provided 4’ and 2′ frames. Some of the 2’ frames were used where we had to get the shoring right up next to the walls.
Here you can see where they were digging holes for new footers. This job is being done in phases so the shoring towers will be moved around as the new concrete is being poured and the steel is being added.
When it is all said and done the Sears store and Auto Center will continue to operate in 96,000 square feet on the lower level and European fashion retailer Primark will lease approximately 77,500 square feet, mostly on the second level.
If you need shoring, scaffold or scaffolding call Superior Scaffold today at (215) 743-2200 and ask for Pat. He will take care of you. Or visit www.superiorscaffold.com for more information.