St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children – Dual purpose scaffold bridge and canopy
When St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia needed to construct a pedestrian bridge from their new building to their existing parking garage – they called Superior Scaffold.
We erected a scaffold bridge that had to serve two purposes, one, to get crews beneath the new pedestrian bridge so they could finish construction – without stopping traffic below, and two, to get pedestrians safely across the street from the parking garage to the main hospital.
This was the main entrance so it had to remain open at all times. We came in at night and diverted traffic while we erected the scaffolding. We built support towers on each side of the road using system scaffold, and then we connected them with 26’ trusses.
We also skinned the decking with plywood and then put debris netting around the top for added protection.
We also built a stair tower to allow crews access to the new bridge construction while also keeping traffic flowing beneath. (Thanks to Pat for the Artsy photo – he’s turning into a regular Ansel Adams out there).
You can see the canopy we attached to the bridge that follows the sidewalk down perpendicular to the bridge tower.
This allowed pedestrians to travel from the parking garage, across the street, beneath the new construction and into the main entrance of the hospital.
This is a cool dual purpose scaffold bridge and overhead protection system.
Call Superior Scaffold at 215 743-2200 today and ask for Pat. He’ll show you the right way to erect a system like this. He’ll also take pretty pictures that you can use on your website or scrapbook.
You can see the strong platform we created for crews to work on. You can also see some of the massive steel support beams going into the new pedestrian bridge.
Go to www.superiorscaffold.com for more samples of our work.