The Revel Resort & Casino (Nightclub) – Atlantic City, NJ

The Revel Resort & Casino (Nightclub) – Atlantic City, NJ

In a move only reserved for mythological creatures, the Revel on Atlantic City’s boardwalk has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes of a shattered economy. As the only remaining project (out of 4 similar) to survive the doldrums of a recession – it’s now poised to become the centerpiece of the boardwalk.

With an infusion of cash ($1.7 Billion from China) construction has moved full steam ahead. The project, which was mothballed almost two years ago has been given new life and is almost at full capacity. The history of how this job was constructed, then abandoned, and then reborn is one of epic proportions.

Superior Scaffold was called in because of our experience erecting unique scaffolding layouts in the shortest time possible.

However, there were several major challenges to this task. The first was to erect system scaffold inside the 5 story oval staircase inside the prestigious nightclub. Superior had to strategically place scaffolding around the inside perimeter of the oval shaped structure up all 5 floors. And it had to allow 100% access for dry-wallers, tapers, painters, electricians, and plumbers to do their work simultaneously.

The second challenge was that all of the equipment for the job was to be loaded in through a small hatch on the roof using a crane.

And the third was that the entire job had to be done in less than 5 working days.

All of which Superior met, on deadline and within budget.