Swinging from the rafters at the Forrest Theater, Philadelphia, PA.
These are the jobs that make my life fun! Who gets to climb above the illustrious plaster dome of the Forrest Theater, 5 stories above the audience seating area? Superior Scaffold does! And a little later, I’ll show you just what our guys had to go through to get a job like this done.
This is all part of the massive renovation the Forrest Theater underwent. We also erected a giant scaffold to get crews to the underside of the ceiling. You can read about it here. I took most of these photos while the job was still being built.
The plaster ceiling literally hangs from suspended cables and steel from the top of the building. And you cannot stand on it or you will fall right through. So there is an intricate pathway of steps and catwalks that dangle precariously above the dome that we needed to climb on and over to get to the edges of the theater to replace the duct work.
This job was done entirely using suspension. We used beam clamps with tubes to anchor to steel when we could.
And we also used standard drop-in cement anchors to hold the cables when there was no steel to tie-in to.
As you can see, there was very little room for error – or bodies for that matter.
We tied our suspension cables to the anchors and then hung trusses from the ends of the cables and then spanned the trusses with scaffold planks.
This was an innovative way to create working platforms in these tiny areas.
Our guys really had to be creative to make this work.
In addition to the crazy way we had to build these platforms was the circuitous route we had to navigate just getting the equipment to the site. Check this out. We had a rope and wheel outside in the alley where our guys could hoist equipment up to the fourth level. From there they had to maneuver it up and through this small access port.
And then the equipment had to be passed through this tiny walkway and up this staircase.
It then made it onto the tiny catwalks in the ceiling and to the final destination. I love it when a plan comes together.
The new duct work went in without a hitch and the theater made its opening night! We are proud to have been a big part of both phases of this renovation.
If you need scaffold, scaffolding or access call Pat at Superior Scaffold today (215) 743-2200 and he will get you “up air”. Or visit www.superiorscaffold.com for more information.
And for today’s musical number; it’s time to trip you way back… Look at those clothes!
If the link gets stripped: https://youtu.be/ovo6zwv6DX4