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scaffold rental, scaffolding rental, PA, DE, NJ, NY, MD, shoring, sales, service, emergency service

Our Lady of Lourdes blessed morning photograph

Superior Scaffold estimator Pat McAndrew was at Our Lady of Lourdes medical center early last week and snapped this gem of the Mother Mary statue in her full glory.  Yes, it's an iphone picture but you can clearly see that she's up and beaming once again. I particularly like the halo at the top. Pat was at the medical center for another scaffold install we are doing up "air" (as they say in Philly).  I'll get you details on that just as soon as them become available. Until then - enjoy. You can read the original article about saving our Lady of Lourdes here: And...

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Guy-Wire all over the statue of Mother Mary

Saving Our Lady of Lourdes

TIMELINE OF HOW A SCAFFOLD COMPANY SAVED AN ICON - in less than 24 hours! At 1:51 pm on Wednesday 8/23/11 an earthquake of 5.8 magnitude rocked the east coast.  It was followed by two smaller aftershocks of 2.8 & 2.2.  On the whole, structural damage was fairly limited - given the wide scope of the quake. Immediately, inspectors were sent out to every scaffold job site to make sure nothing had shifted, moved, or changed with the scaffolding around any of the structures.  As the world found out - there were a few national structures that were damaged, such as the...

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