scaffolding rental PA Tag

‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky – Scaffolding the New Dover High School Auditorium

Jimi Hendrix might have been thinking of other things when he wrote those lyrics but if he was around today in the new Dover High School auditorium (Dover, DE) he’d be singing about Superior Scaffold’s ability to get crews up to the ceilings of very tall structures, just like this state-of-the-art hall. And that’s just what we did on this very cool job.  Crews needed a way to get to very top of the new auditorium so Superior devised a system scaffold platform that was able to span the entire length and width of the space from the stage across the...

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scaffold, scaffolding rental, emergency services, superior scaffold

How to change a light bulb – Scaffolding style

How do you change light bulbs on the ceiling above a giant spiral staircase that descends several floors? You can see the light fixtures just out of reach from the railing in the shot.  Sure, you could dangle precariously from several extension ladders, or you could cautiously lean over the edge while your coworker holds onto your belt loop while you reach with all of your might to grasp the super hot bulb and pray that you didn't piss them off in the past.   But then, how would you get to the recessed ones directly in the center?  Hmmmm???  Or...

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scaffold rental, scaffolding rental, PA, DE, NJ, NY, MD, shoring, sales, service, emergency service

Our Lady of Lourdes blessed morning photograph

Superior Scaffold estimator Pat McAndrew was at Our Lady of Lourdes medical center early last week and snapped this gem of the Mother Mary statue in her full glory.  Yes, it's an iphone picture but you can clearly see that she's up and beaming once again. I particularly like the halo at the top. Pat was at the medical center for another scaffold install we are doing up "air" (as they say in Philly).  I'll get you details on that just as soon as them become available. Until then - enjoy. You can read the original article about saving our Lady of Lourdes here: And...

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superior scaffold, scaffold rental, scaffolding rental PA, NJ, DE, MD, NYC

Superior scaffolds St. Mary’s Ukranian Church, Mcadoo, PA

When  St. Mary’s Ukranian Church in Mcadoo, PA needed a scaffolding company to erect scaffold for painters to restore the exterior luster of their beloved church - they turned to Superior Scaffold.  Our experience with historic buildings, churches and structures has made us the tri-state leader in the scaffolding industry. The contractor wanted a stair tower to access the scaffold and a nice sized storage deck.  And to eliminate ascending the scaffolding from the ground each time, Superior constructed a special walkway across the roof. You will see the photos below but I think this Youtube video gives the best visual description. At...

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scaffold rental PA, scaffolding rental, shoring, philadelphia

Amazing uses for scaffolding. Calpine energy turbine repair.

Every now and then, a really cool use for scaffolding comes across my desk, and this is one of those times.  Maybe I’m just genuinely curious as to how stuff works but I thought I’d pass this along. This is the top of giant electric turbine at the Calpine Energy, Delta, PA power plant.   The plant is a state-of-the-art, combined cycle, power generating plant powered mainly by natural gas.  The plant consists of 8 electric generators – and these photos are of one of those turbines!  Basically, these gigantic turbines spin around at amazing speed to produce electricity for cities and...

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A unique before and after look at Boathouse Row repair, Philadelphia, PA

Superior Scaffold at Bachelors Barge Club (Est 1853), Philadelphia, PA.    Bachelors boathouse #6, (built in 1893) is repairing part of the exterior of their house on Philadelphia’s historic Boathouse row.   Superior provided canopy protection for the side of the building while erecting system scaffold above - so crews could get access to the spots that needed repairing without hindering daily operations.   This is a unique opportunity to see a before and after view of the repair process.  As you can see in the first series of photos taken by Superior estimator, Pat McAndrew, there are large cracks in the facade...

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