The art of scaffolding at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA)
What a great looking building this is, smack dab in the middle of downtown. This is the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. It’s a historic Victorian museum and Art school (offering 19th & 20th century American works). I would have loved to enter that place everyday to learn. Incidentally, it’s the first and oldest art museum and school in the United States.
I’m going to put a link to some pics from their website to show you just how cool the structure is beneath our scaffolding. Check out the giant paintbrush just to the right. I love it.
Okay, enough about the building and onto just what we at Superior Scaffold do for a living. That’s right. We specialize in working on historic structures and buildings. Of course, it’s not all we do but we do it well. We are masters at leaving the job just as it was before we erected our scaffold, minus the renovations and additions of course – you get the idea. This version of the building opened in 1876.
We had to erect a canopy out front for pedestrians and students to gain access to the building and sidewalk.
We also erected a superb system scaffold and decked it at every level so crews could access the façade (for cleaning and power washing) and the roof for repair.
And we took the utmost care when building around the wild juggling jester character (The Young Punch Juggling – a 16 foot fiberglass and steel sculpture) in the center of the front of the façade. PAFA wanted it open and exposed so people could still see him (even at night) so we had to incorporate several trusses into the design to keep the area exposed while supporting the scaffolding.
We also built a section around the side that gave crews access to the roof as well. Here you can see them using a type of Beta Hoist to get the new material up to the top. I’m not really sure if they were replacing the entire roof or just patching areas. The were also working on the eaves.
Then we used a debris netting all around the scaffold for added protection.
And look at this very cool statue of a wrecked plane I found while wondering around the building.
All in all, our scaffolding was built and decorated to perfection as anyone at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts would approve of. I mean, come on, we can only make the scaffolding look so good but our crew did a bang up job.
So if your façade needs renovation and an artistic touch call Superior Scaffold today at (215) 743-2200. Ask for Tony P – he will paint up a miracle for you.
Or log on to www.superiorscaffold.com to see additional work we’ve done.